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This package is collection of helper functions and new tools built on sf for spatial analysis in R. The aim is to simplify common tasks carried out on spatial data such as computing angles, leaf nodes and lines to nearest node.


This package depends on the spatial package sf. It is recommended to install this package first.

Execute the following to install the latest available version of polygoneR:


List of functions

The following is the up to date list of functions available in the package. Please refer to the individual man pages for more information. Extended documentation, including examples, is work in progress.

Function Function type Description
polyg_angles Helper Calculate the minimum and maximum angles between two sf LINESTRING objects.
polyg_cast_substring Helper Cast an sf object to substring.
polyg_contiguity Helper Common contiguities of an sf POLYGON object.
polyg_leaf_nodes Helper Identify leaf nodes of an sf LINESTRING object.
polyg_line_nearest_node Helper Calculate the minimum distance linestring from an sf POINT object to nodes of a sf LINESTRING object.
polyg_rename_geom Helper Rename the geometry column of an sf object.


The package is part of a research project which gratefully acknowledges financial support from and Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University. The author thanks colleagues at urbanLAB (Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University) and Data Clinic (Two Sigma) for their input and suggestions for the initial build.